Friday, May 29, 2009

Denise in Baja

You Gotta Friend is excited to announce it's first recipient, Denise Goosee. Denise has been battling metastic breast cancer in her pancreas quite effectively for the last few years through traditional means. Her doctors don't know what to say she's been doing so well. Way to go Denise! Unfortunately, her current treatment regimen is no longer working to contain her tumor. After investigating numerous treatment options, Denise decided to pursue the Gerson Therapy. As you may know from previous posts, my mom, Janice M. Anderson, the inspiration for this foundation, also utilized the Gerson Therapy.
While we are excited that Denise is pursuing the Gerson Therapy, please know that You Gotta Friend's mission is to provide aide to those wishing to pursue any alternative treatment, not just the Gerson Therapy. You Gotta Friend's position is, and will remain, that the patient alone can best determine the best course of treatment. Treatment, regardless of therapy, is most effective when the patient is involved and confident in their treatment of choice. Why else would placebos be so effective?
I will be accompanying Denise for her first week of treatments at Baja Nuti Care in Baja California. It is a wonderful opportunity for me not only to support Denise but learn more about nutrition, the Gerson Therapy, and different modalities of treatment. I am very honored to be joining her on this journey. Please check out her blog to learn more about Denise, her treatment and progress. Check back here soon to learn about our fundraiser to help Denise cover the costs of her treatment.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Right to choose?

Whatever happened to your right to choose? I truly believe that any therapy works best when the patient believes in them. What happens when you force someone to undergo treatment? On top of that, what happens when you force someone to undergo toxic treatments based on a traditional doctors suggestion and big money research? Will that therapy be effective?
I think we are crossing untold freedom issues when we take away an individuals right to choose their therapy or a parent's right to choose the right therapy for their child. It doesn't matter if you agree or don't agree with the therapy. You have a right to choose not to do anything, to fight the disease traditionally or to pursue any course of action you deem appropriate. Why must we make people suffer? 
Check out this article on CNN about a 13 year old Minnesota boy who must undergo court mandated chemotherapy:
Your thoughts?

T-shirt quotes

You Gotta Friend is going to kick off its first fundraiser next month. We are currently working on developing t-shirts. If you have an inspirational quote you'd like to see on a t-shirt, please submit it to me at
We will keep you posted as we progress!