Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Beautiful Truth - The world's simplest cure for cancer

The failure of the American diet has been a prevalent theme within my personal and professional studies, from my graduate studies professor spending a entire class on childhood obesity rates in the United States to my mother's battle with cancer. Last night I watched "The Beautiful Truth - The world's simplest cure for cancer" a documentary on the Gerson Therapy. This film follows a 15 year old boys quest to find scientific evidence on the curative properties of a raw, vegan diet and juicing as advocated by Dr. Max Gerson. 
While I am not a huge fan of the commentary (a gentlemen describes a 15 year old boys journey, thoughts and emotions), the information within the film is thought provoking. Initially, I was drawn to the film because my mom followed the Gerson Therapy during her battle with cancer. I am quite familiar with the principles behind the therapy which include detoxifying the body and rebuilding the body's natural defenses to cancer and other onslaughts. More over, I feel that a raw, vegan diet which the Gerson Therapy advocates gave my mother an additional 15 years after her diagnosis. 
Because of my mom's own struggle, I am aware that Dr. Max Gerson battled for many years with the American Medical Association and the Federal Drug Administration to provide services in the United States. I also know how difficult it was for my mother to find alternatives to main stream chemotherapy and radiation treatments. In fact, her naturopathic physician in Seattle was shut down many times by state regulatory institutions for practicing "quackery". Some how, he always managed to return to practice. (As an aside, my mom's traditional oncologist began incorporating Gerson principles and complimentary treatments after my mom's miraculous recovery.)
The information provided in this documentary on food toxicity - through refined sugars and additives - is startling, as is the complicity of many major food industry corporations in willfully incorporating dangerous additives to their products. While any statement of such magnitude must be regarded with a critical eye, this documentary does raise questions.
Dr. Max Gerson and his associates are not alone in their commentary on diet. John Robbins heir to the Basket and Robbins empire has been expounding the virtues of a healthier diet and has become one of "the leading experts on the dietary link to the environment and health". He has written several books including "Diet for a New America" and "The Food Revolution" which I highly recommend. Another noteworthy contributor is Dr. Joel Furhman who wrote "Fasting and Eating for Health" and "Eat to Live" in which he describes curing heart disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and headaches among other ailments with a raw, vegan diet and fasting.
I encourage you to watching this film, read the books listed above or others and educate yourself. Seek out additional information. Make your evaluation. Find your own truth.

More information is available at and

Monday, March 2, 2009

Steps Forward

Success is sometimes measured in the smallest of steps and last night's meeting, the first for You Gotta Friend, definitely was a success. While not everyone could make the meeting, I have had an overwhelmingly positive response to the concept of You Gotta Friend. 
Thank you to Susan, Sara and Jules who attended! The core principle of You Gotta Friend is to establishing strong, supportive friendships. Over an elaborate vegetarian fair, we discussed all the events of the past few months - dished on the latest developments, relived past adventures, and really connected with one another.
Our next meeting is slated for the first Saturday, April 4th from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. It is a Healthy Recipe Swap Party so bring your favorite dish along with the recipe for it on 20 cards. Make sure to also bring a big appetite! Please RSVP at our facebook event page - 

The future is something that we create through our thoughts and our actions. You Gotta Friends is about becoming what you need to honor who you are as an individual.  From this place, we can reach out to help others. When we take the time to take care of ourselves we, in turn, help the world. 
I would love for you to be a part of You Gotta Friend. Come honor who you are and create a better future with me. From small steps come great ideas, great progress, great change. 
Here's to the future!