Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Talking with Charlotte Gerson

Today, Charlotte Gerson came to visit us at the Baja Nutri Center. Earlier in the day, she sat down with Denise to go over her specific case. Again she reiterated what we already know, Denise is a remarkable woman. She may have a difficult road ahead, but she is a survivor.
She later joined us for lunch and sat down for a question and answer session. Of course we had many questions about treatment, what works, why and how... what doesn't work and certain fruits, vegetables and nuts that are eliminated from the Gerson Therapy. A gracious hoast, Charlotte spent time explaining the therapy, different approachs, successes and failures.
What I found most compelling, beside the need for eliminating toxins, was her view on the phosphorus/sodium balance in the diet. According to Charlotte, to maintain a healthy, healing blood pH of 7.4, we must consume a diet 90% potassium to 10% sodium. Unfortunately with our cooking processes and our copious use of salt, we have reversed the percentage of sodium and potassium in our systems. Most Americans have a blood pH of 6.8 leading to cancer, autoimmune disease, heart disease, diabetes and various other maladies. To give you an idea, a blood pH of 6.4 is considered terminal. Your cells are dying because of the acidity of your blood. Fruits are contain the best ratio of potassium to sodium, vegetables are next. Charlotte recommends the following fruits: cherries, apricots, peaches, grapes, and apples.
I will continue to look into fermentation metabolism, another aspect Charlotte touched upon, as well as other information presented. I'll definitely keep you posted. In the meantime you can find out more in her book, Healing the Gerson Way by Charlotte Gerson.
Until the next time,

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